Accepting Your Healing


Accepting Your Healing

Each type of illness is associated with a particular way of being. There is a personality type associated with heart disease, there is another associated with cancer, another with nearsightedness, etc. The person’s way of being has had stress associated with it, and that stress has reached the physical level, manifesting as a symptom. When someone wants to release a symptom, they must release the way of being that was associated with the symptom, and which, in fact, created it. Releasing the stress from the consciousness allows them to then have different perceptions, and a different way of being. There is a change in the nature of the bubble, the filter of perceptions through which they see the world. Said another way, since our perceptions create our reality, there is a change or movement from one bubble to another, from one reality to another, from sacred sound healing system review one paradigm to another.
Thus, we can say that the process of healing implies a process of transformation. In the experience of this writer, recovery from catastrophic illness is always accompanied by a change in the person’s way of being. They change, or else continue to manifest the symptoms until they die. Those who change are able to see things differently in their life, and to notice that things happen in ways different from before. They are able, through having different experiences, to define different beliefs. Or, they are able to first define different beliefs, and then have different experiences.
The important thing, in either case, is to release old perceptions that have been based on old experiences, if those perceptions have resulted in a tense way of interacting with the environment.
One way to achieve this reprogramming, this perception modification, is by recognizing the element of time as a possible distorting influence in our internal programs and perceptions, and choosing to not prejudice our positive view of the present and future by our negative experience of the past.
For example, someone might have a program in his or her human biocomputer that says, “Every time I see that person, I get a headache!” Then, given the person, the headache is expected, so that the individual has a chance to affirm that truth, the program that is believed to be true, and therefore, is true for them. Unfortunately, the program always results in a headache, so although the program is very effective and efficient, the result is something unpleasant. To release the program while still acknowledging what is true, we can describe it as having been true in the past. Then, the program would say, “Every time that I have seen that person, I have gotten a headache – but the next time might be different. Perhaps the other person has realized the error of his or her ways, or has become enlightened, or transformed (it’s always a change in the other person).

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